
Experienced IT System Administrator with 3+ years of wide knowledge of Operating Systems, Scripting & Terminal | Skilled Software Developer capable designing and building cross-platform (mobile, web, desktop) apps written in Dart/Flutter and JAMstack web apps using React/Next.js | Always committed to professional growth and improving skills


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    Microsoft Cloud Services Administrator

     —    2 years

    ITACET is Microsoft's gold partner and cloud solution provider

    • Planning and implementing cloud onboarding solutions for new and potential clients
    • Manage and administer over 2500 user accounts and devices hosted on AzureAD
    • Provide technical support, responding to service requests and resolving issues
    • Workflow and infrastructure deployment automation with PowerShell
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    Freelance Software Developer

     —    2 years

    My previous experience with PowerShell (Object-Oriented) scripting language and passion for coding encouraged me to dive deeper into programming and effect boosting my self-tough dev journey | As a freelance developer I`ve mostly work on building JAMstack web apps with in React/Next.js

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    Mobile App Developer

     —    5 months

    Goxee Dealer is a leading SaaS provider for car dealerships in the US and Canada, enabling them to manage their entire dealership operation easily

    • Design and developed messenger-like app used as a standalone project for the web and as in-app messaging system for the mobile app that is being in development and targeting its release for both Android and IOS, written in Dart / Flutter
    • Beside messenger, I have implemented push notifications using Firebase in-app messaging service, intro / tutorial screens with custom animations, and app localization currently supporting twenty-eight languages
    • Developed custom smart reply engine for mobile (Dart/Flutter) / chat bot engine for web (JavaScript/jQuery) that returns suggestions / answer based on user input, supporting all above languages
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    Mobile App Developer

     —    a year

    LONDON MULTIGAMES LIMITED is an information technology and services company based out of Causton St, London, United Kingdom with office in Belgrade. Employed to develop online payment / wallet app (Android & IOS) for online payment solution client company based in Bristol, UK. Since they had an Angular web app in place that needed redesigning, I saw the opportunity to present the Flutter cross-platform capability feature and offered to completely rebuild the old Angular app in Flutter using the same codebase as the mobile one, so my role changed from mobile only to being responsible for the whole front end development part from the start, as such I`ll state the whole app development process in the phase-like fashion below

    • PHASE 1: UI - Since one of the app requirements was the ability of account separation on personal and business and the fact that I`m now dealing with multiple screen sizes I had to: create custom responsive layout for my views following given UI/UX design, modulate the features by account type each having its own views, widgets, and controllers directory for easier navigation and reusability
    • PHASE 2: Designing the app architecture (organizing folder structure, choosing the right set of tools for state management, DI, routing, etc.) - In my previous projects I`ve used few of the popular state management solutions (Provider, BLoC, Get) based on the app requirements and complexity, for this project I chose to go with Get because it comes with useful set off routing management tools handling the web specific navigation tasks such as dynamic URL links, deep linking, route middleware`s, etc., as well as most of my requirements with its reactive state management and DI system
    • PHASE 3: User Authentication - Old app used JWT mechanism for auth, for storing those values I have developed persistent storage solution that is using the flutter_secure_storage plugin on mobile (Keychain for iOS, KeyStore for Android) and shared_preferences (browser local storage) on the web, for storing key-value collections I am using the get_storage plugin that comes with Get
    • PHASE 4: APP FEATURES / MODULES - Filling my controllers with custom logic for managing state changes and creating methods for getting the corresponding data from the API for every feature / module (payments, transfer, top up, withdraw, templates, shops, reports, notifications, profile, etc.) respectively, adding final changes, testing, and polishing
    • PHASE 5: INTERNAL TESTING - Fixing bugs based on user input
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    Mobile App Developer

     —    3 months

    Currently working on two projects

    • INTERNAL: Help rebuilding a native android app in Flutter (Team of 3 mobile devs + Backend team)
    • CLIENT: Building License approval management system app in Flutter (Solo + Backend and Design team)


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    Information Technology (incomplete)Bachelors

     —    2 years

    The University of Belgrade


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    Front-End Master

    • HTML5 / JSX / CSS3 / Tailwind CSS / Sass
    • JavaScript / ES6/ES2015 / TypeScript / jQuery
    • React / Redux / Gatsby / Next.js / JSON / YAML
    • RESTful API / GraphQL / Babel / webpack
    • Dart / Flutter / Firebase
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    Back-End Intermediate

    • Node.js
    • NPM
    • Express.js
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    DataBase Intermediate

    • CRUD
    • MongoDB
    • Serverless
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    Cloud & DevOps Fluent

    • Git
    • GitHub Actions
    • GitLab
    • GCP
    • Azure
    • Azure DevOps
    • Azure Functions
    • Doker
    • CI/CD


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    Published on: 

    Microsoft Certified Solution Associate

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    Admin Training Center

    Published on: 

    Trainer: Aleksandar Nikolic, Microsoft MVP


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